By: Karyn & Ryan Libson
As the school year winds down and the tattletale siren song of summer bellows from a distant ice cream truck, the panic sets in.
Like so many parents across the country emerging from a year locked down – the solution for our family is summer camp. Summer camp promises potential personal development for my kiddo after a year indoors and perhaps a fleeting moment of relaxation for me.

So as I fill out the forms for basketball camp and hit send on the Venmo to the camp director my mind races to that old Will Smith classic “SUMMER, SUMMER, SUMMERTIME, TIME TO SIT BACK AND UNWIND”.
This is it. “Good for her, good for me!” I think to myself, “I could use a little me time.” and I add it to the calendar!
Eeek! Before the Venmo has even finished sending my brain does that little thing it loves to do: flood itself with dreaded “what-ifs”
You see this is my first year having to deal with summer camp and my mind is racing!

Will my daughter have a meltdown over an untied shoe!
Will she listen to and respect the coach?

Will she not be competitive enough – Will she be way too competitive?
I have friends sending their older kids to weeks-long overnight camps and I can’t even. Just trying to imagine the chaos they are going through emotionally tires me. Overnight camps?! Forget it! Baby sleeps in this mama bear’s den!
“I can’t be alone can I?” These are all legitimate summer camp thoughts and worries, right? Every parent has them, at least that’s what I tell myself. No matter how old your kids are or how chill you are as a parent, worrying about them is really just part of the game plan.
So as I pour out that chilled Rosé and lean back into the warm embrace of my favorite chair I propose a toast, “Time to sit back and unwind”!

We made it through 2020! Summer 2021 is looking better and better. As a parent and a human being, the past year has taught me you can’t control everything.
All you can do is that which you believe is best for you and those you love. For my kid, that might mean a few extra tears over a double dribble call.